
A very simple and lightweight PHP boilerplate.

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Fushi PHP Boilerplate


Fushi is a simple, lightweight PHP boilerplate (definition of Boilerplate on Wikipedia).

It can be used for building a large variety of projects, small and large.

It has a very simple but powerful built-in templating system, as well as a pretty backend interface.



In order to run Fushi, you just need:

Getting started

  1. Upload everything in the root of your web server.
  2. Open /db folder and create a new database with the provided MySQL dump.
  3. Go to /config folder and edit database.php. You'll also need to edit paths.php in the same folder.

If you have edited the above files properly, just surf to the root of your website and you should be able to see the home page.

Having trouble during installation? Please let me know.


File System

In alphabetical order and in a tree-structured way, I'll proceed describing the folders and their content.

Global Variables

In the most important file, bootstrap.php, are declared some fundamental variables:

Frontend (CSS)

The frontend engine is based upon the HTML5 Boilerplate (v3.0.2, released on feb 19, 2012).

You're completely free to organize and manage your CSS as you wish: however I suggest you trying to maintain your structure as modular as possible. You can always use @import url('style.css'); but this is discouraged. Use application/boot.php to arbitrarily import:

So remember that when your web application has a modular piece (i.e. an header or footer), you can declare it as module and subsequently recall it in a specific template; you can even create new templates based on the concept of inheritance!

These "non-semantic helper classes" are available:

For the explaining I recommend you reading the h5bp documentation: http://html5boilerplate.com/docs

The classes .left and .right just make block elements float to left or right respectively.


Just two words on JavaScript: script.js is the main JS file, that loads automatically in every page. Besides that, you're free to load all .js files you want.

jQuery is the Fushi's default library; if you need a different one, add it in public/js/libs/ folder. If you need a jQuery plugin, add it in public/plugins/ folder.


The public/js/ajax.js file is responsible for managing all Ajax requests, and strictly collaborates with public/ajax.php.

A detailed explaining of an Ajax request in Fushi:

  1. User clicks on a link.
  2. If that link has class=action, it will do an Ajax request.
  3. ajax.php will be loaded, and it will read the href attribute.
  4. The href will be parsed and Ajax will route to the right file.
  5. The right file will be executed.
  6. The <div id=response> will output the HTML.

A concrete example:

  1. User clicks on <a class="action update" href="fruit/update/3">Update this!</a>.
  2. ajax.js loads ajax.php, passing the href to it (fruit/update/3).
  3. ajax.php realizes that fruit_update.php must be executed.
  4. ajax.js outputs the HTML returned by fruit_update.php.

The Backend (aka Backoffice)

You can access to the backend interface by http://yoursite.com/backoffice.

Example user (administrator):

Example user (no administrator privileges):

However, you can't see anything in the backend if you have no admin privileges. Even though you try to login (or you're already logged in), in every circumstance you're just going to be redirected to the index.

The backend interface is based on the CRUD (create, read, update, delete). Every table has usually 3 files in application/backoffice/.

For example:

Table: Products


The 3 files above are handling all the operations behind the Product object.

As for convention over configuration, the table names must always be in plural form.

From the backoffice you can also generate a template scaffold, but beware: you can't rename a template. If you need to delete a whole template, just remove its files: one is in application/templates/, and the other one is in public/css/templates/.


Sessions are automatically handled by lib/session.php. You will always have the following variables available globally:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: I've uploaded every single file in the root of my web server, but Fushi throws weird errors like unexpected T_FUNCTION...

A: Make sure you upload everything in binary mode.

Q: I get a 500: Internal Server Error. What can I do?

A: This is usually related to .htaccess files. Please check your webserver's log.

Please open a new issue if you have any questions.

Thank you for using Fushi! You are awesome!

Open Source

This content is released under the MIT License.